Your child won’t eat their mushrooms? Not even if you put effort into the tastiest and most complicated recipes that anyone would find appetizing? Let’s hide mushrooms, this great superfood with nutrients important for a young body, in a simple but great falafel!
- half a kilogram of champignon or pleutorus
- 1-2 boiled potatoes
- 1 onion
- 1 spoon of marjoram, thyme and/or oregano
- 1 egg
- parsley
- salt
- ground pepper
- breadcrumbs
- olive oil
Clean the mushrooms and cut them into small pieces. Cut the onion, saute it with olive oil, add the chopped mushrooms and simmer covered until it softens. If it is not finely chopped, you can use a mixer to help it. Grate the boiled potatoes, then mix together in a bowl with the egg, the spices and the mushroom-onion mixture.
If you have a mixture that can be shaped, you can start making the balls – if the mixture is too soft, you can thicken it with a small amount of breadcrumbs until it can be shaped better. Roll the balls in breadcrumbs, then bake them in a baking tray on baking paper until they’re golden brown.
Enjoy your meal!